Wednesday, November 28, 2012

San Antonio

One last walk on the beach...

The River Walk, San Antonio

Scenic tour down the river

Landry's, great seafood dinner

The Wedding Bench, sitting on an "island" made of this oak trees roots

Gargoyles were placed on buildings to ward off evil spirits

Flood control gate

The Aztec Theater

Our tour guide...this guy knew everything about San Antonio, and then some!

Lunch and margaritas at Republic of Texas

The Alamo

Almost two hundred years old, a beautiful historic mission


  1. Wow, lots to see there. I love how well they care for the Alamo; hard to imagine the violence that happened there. Love the shot of you and Walt, really relaxed look. And that beach shot! He's taking well to the leash, it appears, though he is looking very scraggly. But at least Buddy looks great :)

    Love You, Greg

  2. I love the leash!!!! Such a cool cat! :) Loving all of the pictures! Especially you and Uncle Walt. You look so happy. Love you, Auntie!
