Friday, May 11, 2012

The pictures I just added are from Montezuma's Castle, an indian cliff dwelling that dates back over 700 years. I understand that this is the oldest intact man-made structure in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sinagua Indian tribe lived in these dwellings for over 300 years, until they started disappearing from the area. There's no explanation as to why. We just stumbled upon this national park the other's less than 15 miles from our camp, and had to be the most impressive thing I've seen yet!


  1. Those are great pictures! I think I am going to have to make that one of my fun things to do! Sure do you miss you, Carol. It's good to know you are enjoying yourself and having the time of your life!



  2. What an amazing adventure! Montezuma's Castle is an incredible place and it is hard to imagine that this piece of history could remain for so many years. The pictures are great.

    You picked a fabulous spot to stay in Arizona!!!

  3. Ola, My sister shelled out some money last Christmas to buy me this camera (Nikon L105), and I'm in love with it! It makes me feel like I know what I'm doing. When she was visiting last week, she also taught me how to download and touch up my pictures on my laptop...I knew nothing before, which is why people are just now seeing some of my pictures. The photography bug seems to run in my family. And we are definitely having the time of our lives!

  4. Sis, I'm so happy that you were here to share this history with us. I think we saw a lot in that short week, and we really lucked out by picking the Cottonwood area for our temporary home!

    1. I really enjoyed the Verde Valley. It was so peaceful and really comfortable as well as being well situated for our daytime adventures. Good was so much fun!
