Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter everyone! I must say that without children around, this is normally just another day to us. But today we got to be with our kids and grandkids, and it was fun! This year Taylor and Bailey knew what was up, and they ran around squeeling with all the other kids trying to find the most eggs hidden around the park. They ate hot dogs and watermelon, and went down the slides and swings, played right through their naptime, and collapsed on the drive home, juice boxes in hand.

Walt and I took a long motorcycle ride yesterday. We started in Temecula, and rode east up into the mountains above Palm Desert. The weather was a perfect 80 degrees, and we just followed the highway to see where it would take us. We ended up in the little town of Julian, which used to be an old stagecoach stop back in the late 1800's, ands now better known for it's famous home-made apple pies. We stopped for a glass of wine and ended up ordering some great barbeque. While we were there, I ran into an old friend from high school. I hadn't seen him since we graduated...pretty cool!

Walt's been laying pretty low all week, watching the Master's Tournament in Augusta, GA. Next week he hopes to meet up with a friend from work and play a little golf at one of the courses nearby. You're probably all surprised that he's been retired for over a week now and hasn't played any golf yet. Well, the truth is, he hasn't figured out how to haul his clubs around on the Harley yet!....Give him time, give him time!

We haven't seen too many comments from you all on the blog yet, so please let us know if you're out there...we'd love to hear from you all.



  1. That's a beautiful drive from Temecula into the mountains and to Julian. How fun for you on the motorcycle.

  2. Happy Easter from us up here in Oregon! We love you. Mom and I are following your blog :) More pictures please... :)

  3. I hope this one gets posted, as I have commented on your blog many times but I don't see any of my comments. Yes, kids make Easter so much fun! I spent the day with my grand daughter, daughter and son in law. It was great. Glad you two are having such a great time. miss you!

    1. Sorry about that Ola. We're all learning this thing for the first time together, so hopefully it will get easier to figure out as we go. I saw some of your pics of your granddaughter, she's very beautiful and sweet looking. Kris and I are going to spend some time together tomorrow, just running some errands and maybe get a bite to eat. Can't remember the last time just the two of us went out alone. Such a treat!

  4. Went to Julian and did not have PIE? Great pie shop there.


    1. We're very familiar with Mom's Apple Pie Shop Bob. But we're both trying to watch our waistlines, not to mention the fact that the line went halfway down the block, and people are paying about sixteen dollars a pop for one of those things!
