Friday, April 13, 2012

Good morning everyone, and TGIF! While Walt is whipping up a little breakfast, I thought I'd jump on the blog and fill you in on the latest...

We've spent some quality time with our girls for the last 10 days, and up until yesterday we were able to park the Shack right down the street from their house. Well, the homeowner's assc. finally got wind of us, and decided they didn't want us there, family or not! So today we're waking up in a little rv park  about 5 miles down the road, near the Lawrence Welk Village. It's a very mountainous area, with lots of trees and a good size creek just a few feet away.Not a bad gig for the next few days until we head over to Palm Desert. Kris has loaned us her Camry to go back and forth to the house. Walt has been doing some work around the house, doing a few projects that they haven't been able to get to since they moved in 3 months ago. I've been trying to help out where I can, doing laundry and some cooking. Earlier this week Bailey came home from preschool with a bug, so she's been there with us while she recovers. It's been kind of a treat to spend some one on one time with her, even though she's not quite been herself.

It does my heart good to be able to help our kids out. And Walt has been right there beside me, doing whatever he can to contribute. He got to play golf earlier in the week with one of the neighbors he met while we were parked down the street . And tomorrow he's going to play in a tournament with another neighbor. Walt just makes friends with everyone, wherever he goes....especially if they play golf!

Well, I'm off to see what this day has to offer! Hope everyone is fine!



  1. I'm glad to hear that you guys have been able to spend so much time with Kris, Blanca and the girls! Love you! xox

  2. It has been a great two weeks, and I think the twins really got used to having us around. Wish we could've seen you guys too...maybe next trip! Love you too Katie!

  3. Kris, Blanca and the girls will never want the two of you to leave. It is so great that you have been able to have this time with them; this is one of the wonderful perks of retirement. Glad to hear that Walt has been able to get some golfing in. Love you lots!

  4. So, I am a techie and having so much trouble getting this google blog to work! I hope you get this post, Carol...miss you so much. You and Walt, both. I see you are having fun and enjoying life. How is Buddy taking the long rides? Is he doing ok?

  5. Yay Ola! Glad you stuck with it! We'll hopefully get this all figured out before the trip is over!! This week we'll be busy with the camping group, but after that we'll have some time to post more and put some pictures up. Thanks for sticking with it!

  6. Hey Carol,

    I just love the pictures! Please keep posting. You both look so happy and relaxed. I will post more later. This working stiff has a two hour meeting to attend.

    hugs and miss you,
